More Energy, Strength and Calmness

New Mumma Reset!

A supportive 5-Day free challenge for new Mums to start moving your body, clearing your mind and feeling like yourself again!

May 23-27, 2022

It’s time to feel like you again!

Your baby is here and you’ve been busy welcoming your new arrival into your life and home. While it’s a beautiful time, it can also feel overwhelming and challenging if you don’t prioritise your mental and physical wellbeing. 

It’s time to move your body, clear your mind and feel like YOU again so you can be the best mum your baby could ever wish for.

An unfamiliar feeling

You desperately want to get back into exercise or yoga, but your body feels unfamiliar. You’re not sure where to start. And you’re unsure what’s safe and what’s not.

You’re sleep deprived, exhausted, lacking in motivation and struggling to find time to even take a shower, let alone figure out how to fit exercise into your day.

It’s completely understandable if you feel tired and weak right now Mumma. 

For 9 months, your body grew and nourished your baby. 

You ran the marathon of birth. 

And now you’re caring for your baby 24/7. It’s new and unfamiliar territory. Sometimes you feel like you’re nailing it, but then the next moment it’s an epic fail.

In the midst of all this chaos, don’t forget about YOU.

Because you are important too, Mumma.

 It’s ok to want to feel like yourself again. To think about your own self-care, losing the baby weight and being pain-free.

But it’s hard if you choose to do it alone. Because there’ll be days when it ALL feels too hard. And that’s when you need someone to pick you up and help you to keep going. To help you see clearly through the fog, who you want to be and how you can get there. One baby step at a time.

It’s free! Join our supportive 5-Day Challenge for new Mums to start moving your body, clearing your mind and feeling like yourself again!

Imagine feeling…

✔️ energised and ready to take on your day, no matter what life with a newborn throws at you

✔️ strong in your body and free of pain

✔️ clear and calm in your mind

The New Mumma Challenge will guide you on a step-by-step journey so that you can get back into exercise and feel energised, strong and calm.

Day 1: The Postpartum Secret

Discover the quickest, safest and most effective way of getting back into shape after pregnancy so that you’re no longer guessing what you need to do and potentially being unsafe for your body.

Day 2: The Best Pelvic Floor Exercise

Learn the best pelvic floor exercise and how and when to do it properly so that you don’t need to worry about leaking (or worse) in the future.

Day 3: Heal Your Abdominal Muscles

How to check for a diastasis (separation) of your abdominal muscles and what to do/not do if you have one so that you feel strong and get rid of that ‘Mummy tummy’ as quickly as possible.

Day 4: Just Breathe

Use the magic of the breath to get instant stress relief and peace when you need it so you can be calm and present for your baby.

Day 5: Release Neck, Shoulders and Upper Back Pain

An easy way to release neck, shoulder and back pain in just a few minutes so you can be free of pain and enjoy your day.

What’s included?

✔️ Daily videos

Each day you’ll receive an email with a short 5-10 minute educational video. 

✔️ Downloadable workbook

With the roadmap for your postpartum recovery. 

✔️ Daily live Q&A

Live sessions at 2pm AEST in the Facebook group for support from me and our community of new Mums.

✔️ Community Group

Facebook Community Group of likeminded new Mums to support each other and share your experiences.

This is for you if…

The New Mumma Reset Challenge is for you if you’re 4 weeks to 2 years postpartum and you’re ready to…

  • feel like your old self again
  • start moving and healing your body 
  • be free of back pain
  • find inner peace and calm
  • join a community of likeminded new Mums

This is not for you if…

  • you’re not willing to find 5 minutes per day to heal your body and calm your mind 
  • you are happy to continue living with back pain
  • you don’t want to feel energetic and motivated again
  • you’re still pregnant

Hi, I’m Carrie

…Pregnancy & Birth Coach, Mum of 3 girls, Founder of Mother Nurture Yoga and a Registered Senior Prenatal Yoga Teacher with Yoga Australia.

I’m a total yoga, birth and baby geek.

I’ve birthed 3 babies, with a 2 year gap between each. Postpartum I used yoga practices to heal from the inside out, re-building my strength and finding small pockets of time for my own self-care.  

Since 2012, I’ve worked with thousands of women all over Australia, to help them:

stay active.

be free of pain.

feel connected to their own body, their baby and other new Mums


I’ve won awards and have been recognised in numerous magazines, newspapers and on TV including Practical Parenting magazine, Nurture Parenting magazine, Kidspot, Essential Baby, My Child, 7 News and Alive 90.5 fm.

I’ve donated significant amounts to our Charity Partners, Bears of Hope, Pregnancy & Infant Loss, and Mothers Milk Bank.

But it’s the emails and texts and Facebook messages from my clients that make me tick. Knowing that I’m making a real difference to new Mummas.

Helping pregnant women and new Mums (just like you!) is what motivates me to get up each morning. Pre and Postnatal Yoga is not something I ‘dabble’ in. It’s what I live and breathe. 

It’s what other yoga teachers pay me to teach them about. 

I’m kind of obsessed with making your life as a new Mum better through yoga – you could say it’s my personal mission!

And if you check out some of the many, many raving reviews on our Facebook page, you’d be right to think that I’m quite good at it!

Like this review from Helani:

Love the Mother Nurture yoga classes! The atmosphere and vibe is relaxing and calming. You can switch off and relax. I’ve never been to a yoga class before and I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. The knowledge that I learnt helped me in my labour and postpartum recovery too. Thank you.

So come and join me. I can’t wait to see you inside!!
We start on 23 May – click below to join us!

JOIN US for this life-changing 5 day challenge.

Join The Challenge

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We're Sydney's top specialists in safe prenatal and postnatal exercise through yoga and pilates.