Mother Nurture Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga Classes

It doesn’t feel comfortable for everyone

Unlike yoga pants

Research shows that women who exercise during pregnancy are more likely to maintain a healthy body weight, decrease back pain and have an easier, more comfortable labour.

The truth is that exercise is important for pregnant women in all trimesters.

You’re here because you want to stay healthy and active during pregnancy, but you need a form of exercise that feels safe.

That’s where pregnancy yoga and pilates comes in.

Specialists In Safe

Prenatal yoga and pilates is gentle, safe, effective, and recommended by healthcare professionals. 

Did you know we’re the only yoga studio in Sydney that’s dedicated to pregnant women and new Mums? Prenatal yoga is our bread and butter, so you can feel confident you and your baby are in the best hands.

Movement for Mummas

There’s no doubt becoming a mother is a life-changing event; being pregnant and giving birth is a rite of passage. Some women love being pregnant and find it a beautiful experience. But it’s not all roses and sunshine for everyone. 

If you’re suffering from any (or all) of the following:

✓ Back pain
✓ Anxiety and stress
✓ Tiredness
✓ Weird pregnancy aches and pains 

...I want you to know that you’re not alone.

My heart breaks when women are told this is all a ‘normal’ part of pregnancy. Just because it’s normal doesn’t mean you need to suffer or put up with it!

Having worked with literally thousands of pregnant women, and experienced pregnancy 3 times myself, I can confidently say I know exactly how to help you.

And the best news? You’re just one click away from finding a weekly class and a community of women where you feel as comfortable as you do in those yoga pants.

It’s time for you

Maybe you’re feeling tired and stressed right now, or wishing you had more energy?

And I get it, when you’re feeling like that, exercise is the last thing on your mind.

But most women tell us if only they knew how good they felt after doing a prenatal yoga class, they would’ve started earlier!

Carving out time for yourself to exercise and relax is the best gift you can give both yourself and your baby. There’s a lot of research that supports the immediate stress reduction effects of yoga.

And if this is your second or subsequent pregnancy that time and space for yourself is even MORE needed.

Hint to any Dad’s-to-be reading this…

book your partner in for a class. Like now.

She’ll love you for it 😉


We’re here to guide you on your journey through Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood.  Ready?  Let’s start with where you are now:

We're Sydney's top specialists in safe prenatal and postnatal exercise through yoga and pilates.  

Get Your FREE Copy of “The Pregnancy Yoga Handbook” – with 15 Essential Yoga Poses EVERY Pregnant Woman Must Know!

This simple guide for Mums-to-be is packed full of useful information with step-by-step instructions, pictures and guidelines to keep you healthy and your baby safe!