Jane & Asher

Positive birth story Jane and Asher

A Positive Birth Story

We welcomed our little boy Asher into the world at 8.18am on the 19th Nov. It was a loooong labour and boy did it test me. I went into labour Thursday afternoon with mild cramping and continued with those through to the following afternoon.

By Friday afternoon my surges were coming in more frequently and l called my amazing doula to come be with hubby and l. We went for a walk in the arvo which picked things up considerably. At this stage, the breathing technique of in for 3 out for 3,4,5 etc was my friend and getting me through. By Friday night I couldn’t sleep past about 3am with strong surges. By Saturday I was getting worn out and my surges were coming thick and fast.

I thought by Saturday evening I could be ready to head to the hospital and when l did my midwife noted my surges slowing down when l was lying down. I think due to the drive over even though only a minute up the road but also she thought my waters had broken and I wasn’t allowed to go home to labour if she checked how dialated l was. I chose to not get checked and go home to continue labouring in my environment.

Positive birth story Jane and Asher

The surges were so intense at this stage l was questioning why on earth l had decided to do this in the first place. At this stage I was roaring like a lion through each surge sending it deeper down each time. My poor neighbours haha I spent another few hrs at home like this until l was getting the urges to bear down and push and my doula made the call for us to go in (right before this my waters definitely broke with one of the surges with a huge balloon burst).

To get myself to the hospital, with each surge I had to pant instead of breath through. We were at pushing stage…and I hadn’t arrived at the hospital yet. We walked in, my midwife checked me and with an “oh wow there’s the head” I jumped into the bath tub for some much needed pushing and relief from those surges. About half an hour later, little Asher joined us earth side!

What a journey! A life-altering experience to say the least. Thank you for all you teach us in class… It is truly valuable to know how to breathe through surges and find some positions that are of comfort in those throws of surges!

A little pic attached for you too!

Hopefully see you soon for some postnatal yoga classes!

Jane and Asher! 

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