Mummy and Me Yoga

Most people think of yoga as something you do in a studio, with a group of people wearing Lululemon outfits, listening to zen-like music, and calmly following a teacher’s instructions. But with a sense of humour and a bit of imagination, it is easy for mums to incorporate your baby into your own yoga practice, wherever you are (and whatever you are wearing!)

Today I took Samaira to the park for a yoga session that we could both enjoy together. Here are some of the Postnatal Yoga poses we did.

And if you want some more inspiration, check out our Mother Nurture Yoga Prenatal and Postnatal DVD package or join our Mums & Bubs CoreFix 5 week Course which is run virtually via Zoom. 

Build your core strength with our Mums & Bubs CoreFix course. Register now!

Build your core strength with our Mums & Bubs CoreFix course.

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